Friday, 4 May 2007

Preston County Court and Lancashire County Council

Entry no.5
See link to earlier entry under Lancaster County Court and Lancashire County Council (LCC) to find which see
The series begins: Local Government Ombudsman and LCC.
Second entry: all with 'criticalreader2007' as insert(LCC and Manchester Tribunals)
Third entry: all with 'criticalreader2006' (op cit)
Fourth entry: all with 'criticalreader2004' (Employment Appeal Tribunal)
Fifth entry: all with 'woodsresearch' (Manchester County Court and LCC)

Jigsaw puzzle: definition - a puzzle which will make a picture when the irregular shaped pieces are interlocked. Collins English Dictionary.

In piecing together this many-pieced jigsaw of fraud and corruption with its mafia styled, government-led Local Authority, Lancashire County Council (LCC) 'Organised Crime' neatly gives the overall picture a title.
Kafka couldn't have thought these events up, all court related.

Preston County Court (PCC) one piece, one event, established MO.

After the travesty in Lancaster County Court on 1st July 2003 I finally managed to institute an appeal in PCC.
There were unexplained delays which were later seen to have been to allow for the court tape(s) from 1/7/03 to be altered and entered into PCC to discredit me and ensure an unsuccessful appeal.

The date was set for 3 Oct 03.
Apparently there had been a cost hearing in Lancaster County Court on 5/9/03, another illegal hearing for many reasons not least because it was held prior to the appeal.
I had not attended and saw the resultant court document as junk mail. It was another false document issued contrary to the County Court act 1985 Sec 133, 135, 136. Stephen Sainsbury in Lancaster County Court was responsible and conspiring to pervert the course of justice with the seedy Judge Gordon Nuttall and the even seedier barrister for LCC, Neil Cadwallader. (see link)
That document gave me 14 days to pay almost £4,000. I ignored it.

My points of law were sufficient to secure a successful appeal, the clear proof of the altering of the court transcript should have ensured a full enquiry into the fraud and corruption apparent at that stage.

I was finally given a date for the appeal and rang the court to ask if Sainsbury had entered into the court the altered transcript from 1/7/03. He had. Perjury Sec 5 Perjury Act 1911.
I wrote to Preston police saying I wanted an officer in court on the 3/Oct/03 as I would be declaring perjury. No one responded. I wrote again and remained ignored.

The court document from PCC giving notice of the appeal did not have a claim number. This was to be another farce. I requested a claim number and a legal hearing in public, in an open court. They must have had a good laugh at that; it was all they did do.
I knew I would need a witness. An associate, well versed in Lancashire tactics to protect the corrupt, arranged to meet me in Preston on the 3rd.

There were points of law additional to the ones I would rely on: the Contempt of Court Act 1981 Sec 1 and 2(2) was added.
On 16/9/03 I received a letter from a ROY JONES in the Chief Executive's office of LCC (in Preston, County Hall) saying that I had to accept I had lost the case. I responded immediately by fax asking how he knew, three weeks before the hearing. He did not reply.
This and the lack of a claim number with the ignoring of matters by the police did not inspire confidence.

On 3/10/03 my witness and I entered PCC to find that the case was not listed. Article 6 Human Rights Act?
PCC another court to be arrogant enough to ignore statute law.
There was no waiting, we were sent straight in.
A clerk was present and a recorder and a Circuit Judge, JOHN APPLETON, Freemason Church St Lodge Lancaster.

Appleton began as they always do, quietly confident that we'd be straight out.
But he hadn't checked my submitted documents, the more I revealed which was indisputable, the more angry he became. His voice rose, louder and louder and then," I can't reveal this massive corruption" and just walked out of his court.
Another fine example of British justice.
Another joke at my expense.
My witness had good experience of Lancashire and its institutional thuggery and racism. She advised me that private prosecutions would be the only way. I was already taking that route (see Manchester Magistrates Court link 'woodsresearch').
The links with Lancashire police were becoming clearer.

John Appleton insists on hearing every claim he can against the police, no one wins, "The police don't lie".
Claimants are advised to settle out of court, all confirmed by MARK BENNETT of DOUGLAS CLIFT Solicitors Church St Lancaster. (See link to be added on Law Society and solicitors involved.)

Meanwhile Lancaster police had refused me the right to make a statement about the theft of monies and other criminal acts perpetrated in the altering of the court transcript.
Instead I was told by PETE DAVIES in Lancaster police to send all my evidence, and continue to send all my evidence to a person in police HQ. The person I later found out had not existed.
I had stopped sending documents after many weeks because I never received a reply.
The papers were going elsewhere.
See link Lancs police yet to be added.

I formally complained to the group manager outlining the abuses of courts and the waste of taxpayers' monies, corruption and violations of human rights.

A SEAN McNALLY wrote to me saying that the court had been closed because I had asked for a private hearing in a closed court.
I replied asking him to copy to me any letter I had ever written in which I deprived myself of my rights under legislation. He did not reply.

Preston County Court is another court now to declare that I have never been in there and they have no record of any claim from me. The court files have been destroyed.
Lord Levy is under the impression that destruction of documents showing proof of criminal activity is a crime in itself. Who destroyed the court files?

I have my files, they are intact and kept safely.
Thought for today, It took one man to build the Arc and a team of professionals to build the Titanic.
Next piece of jigsaw the closing of the year 2003 Manchester Tribunals figure again as does Lancaster County Court and their paymasters, LCC.
Ends here, Carol Woods Lancaster